MAURO de BARI was startd in 2009 in the heart of the Apulian region where tradition and creativity merge to give birth to a high quality product which doesn´t neglect style. MAURO de BARI sandal’s – making could be defined as a special one, since it consists in 5 basic steps: purchase of cowhide leather at its natural state, creation of a model, manual immersion in a VEGETABLE colour, manual finishing by the usage of small brushes and as final step, drying at the open air. This process, takes as a result, the so–called, TUFFATO sandal. Many companies gave up the making of the hand tiller TUFFATO sandal as it asks for a very punctual work which slows the production times. This brand succeeded in combining the artisanship value with the one of speed thanks to its choice to make only the TUFFATO sandal all year long.