AMAN CO., LTD (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) uses personal information in a variety of ways while conducting business.

All personal information from customer is very important. The Company believes that it is its social responsibility to protect personal information. The Company will disseminate this way of thinking to all of its officers and employees, and establish a policy for the protection of personal information.

In handling personal information, the Company observes all laws, ordinances and standards relating to personal information protection and will do its utmost to manage personal information suitably and safely.
Only with the express permission of the customer, the Company may obtain personal data including user information from the customer by clearly indicating the purpose for which the personal data are intended to be used. Please note that the personal information generally includes that of customer as well as of his/her family members indirectly obtained through the customer.

The Company shall use personal information from you solely for the following purposes;

  1. ・provide information/deliver products as they pertain to the services / products provided by the Company,
  2. ・sales promotion by the Company with product information and various information, and
  3. ・statistical analysis in a manner that does not lead to the identification of any customer.

For the purpose of protecting personal information, the Company will take all appropriate measures for preventing unauthorized access to personal information and loss, destruction, alteration and leakage of personal information. Further, the Company will educate and exercise necessary and appropriate supervision over its employees including temporary or part-time employees to gain a thorough understanding of the appropriate control and protection of personal information, as well as ensuring security of personal information.

When commissioning third parties such as its partner to handle personal information, the Company will supervise them through concluding nondisclosure agreements with them.

The Company will not disclose or provide any personal information provided by customer to any third party without his/her consent , unless it is required by law, nor it is necessary to protect human life or property, or any other rights or interests of the person and unless there are special circumstances.
If the Company does disclose or provide personal information to a third party, the Company stipulates the protection of that personal information with the third party and fully assures the protection of that personal information.

When customer requests to disclose, correct or discontinue use his/her provided own personal information, if the customer contacts the Company, the Company will respond within reasonable period in accordance with its procedures after confirming that it is a request from the person himself/herself.

The Company will continue to review its approach to personal information protection and make an effort to ensure that its approach works effectively for the protection of personal information.

C.E.O. / AMAN Co., Ltd.
Masahiko Fujii